Source code for neutompy.recon.recon

import numpy as np
import astra
import logging
import neutompy.recon.nnfbp as nnfbp
import neutompy.recon.mrfbp as mrfbp
from tqdm import tqdm
from neutompy.recon import optomo

logs = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__author__  = "Davide Micieli"
__all__     = ['recon_slice',

# register nn-fbp training and rec plugin

# register mr-fbp plugin

[docs]def angles(n_angles, start_angle=0., end_angle=360., scan_mode="regular"): """ This function returns projection angles in radians for different type of angular scan. It allows to generate uniformly distributed angles in the range [start_angle, end_angle) or a Golden ratio based sequence of projection angles [1]_. Parameters ---------- n_angles : int Number of projections. start_angle : float, optional First angle of the sequence in degrees. The parameter is ignored if scan_mode is set to 'golden_ratio'. end_angle : float, optional Last angle of the sequence in degrees. The parameter is ignored if scan_mode is set to 'golden_ratio'. scan_mode : str, optional It defines the type of the angular scan. Allowed values are: - ``regular`` uniformly distributed projections in the range [start_angle, end_angle); - ``golden_ratio`` projections angles according to a Golden ratio based sequence. Returns ------- angles : 1D array The sequence of the projection angles in radians. References ---------- .. [1] T. Kohler, A projection access scheme for iterative reconstruction based on the golden section, IEEE Symposium Conference Record Nuclear Science 2004., Rome, 2004, pp. 3961-3965 Vol. 6. """ if scan_mode == "regular": c0 = np.pi / 180.0 return np.linspace(start_angle * c0, end_angle * c0, n_angles, endpoint=False) if scan_mode == "golden_ratio": fi = 0.5 * (np.sqrt(5.0) + 1.0) return np.mod(np.arange(n_angles) * fi * np.pi, np.pi) raise ValueError("Invalid value of the parameter scan_mode. Allowed values are: 'regular' and 'golden_ratio'.")
[docs]def get_astra_proj_matrix(nd, angles, method): """ This function returns an object that imitates a projection matrix. Parameters ---------- nd : int The number of pixels within a row of the detector. angles : 1d array, float The array containing the view angles in radians. For example, for a uniformly spaced scan from 0 to 360 degree with a number of projections nangles: angles = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, nangles, endpoint=False) method : string A string defining the name of the reconstruction algorithm. Available CPU-based methods are: ``BP``, ``FBP``, ``SIRT``, ``SART``, ``ART``, ``CGLS``, ``NN-FBP``, ``NN-FBP-train``, ``MR-FBP`` Available GPU-based methods are: ``BP_CUDA``, ``FBP_CUDA``, ``SIRT_CUDA``, ``SART_CUDA``, ``CGLS_CUDA`` Returns ------- pmat : OpTomo object The object that imitates a projection matrix. """ # Create the ASTRA volume and projection geometries vol_geom = astra.create_vol_geom(nd, nd) proj_geom = astra.create_proj_geom('parallel', 1.0, nd, angles) # Create the ASTRA projector if (method.endswith('CUDA') or method.startswith('NN-FBP')): pid = astra.create_projector('cuda', proj_geom, vol_geom) # GPU else: pid = astra.create_projector('linear', proj_geom, vol_geom) # CPU # initialize the projection matrix #pmat = astra.OpTomo(pid) pmat = optomo.OpTomo(pid) return pmat
[docs]def recon_slice(sinogram, method, pmat, parameters=None, pixel_size=1.0, offset=0): """ This function reconstructs a single sinogram for a 2D parallel beam geaometry. Parameters ---------- sinogram : 2d array Array representing the sinogram to reconstruct. The rows are projections at different angles. method : str A string defining the name of the reconstruction algorithm. Available CPU-based methods are: ``BP``, ``FBP``, ``SIRT``, ``SART``, ``ART``, ``CGLS``, ``NN-FBP``, ``NN-FBP-train``, ``MR-FBP`` Available GPU-based methods are: ``BP_CUDA``, ``FBP_CUDA``, ``SIRT_CUDA``, ``SART_CUDA``, ``CGLS_CUDA`` pmat : OpTomo object The ASTRA object that imitates a projection matrix. parameters: dict, optional Specific options of the reconstruction algorithm defined in `method`. The complete list of the available options can be found within the ASTRA toolbox documentation: pixel_size : float, optional The detector pixel size. If specified in cm the attenuation coefficient values are returned in cm^-1. Default value is 1.0. offset : int, optional The offset of the rotation axis with respect to the vertical axis of the detector. If offset is positive the rotation axis is at right-side of the detector vertical axis. If negative, is at left-side. Default value is 0. Returns ------- rec : 2d array The reconstructed slice. Examples -------- GPU-based FBP reconstruction with the Hamming filter: >>> import neutomopy as ntp >>> # read the sinogram >>> sinogram = ntp.read_image('file.tiff') >>> na, nd = sinogram.shape >>> angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, na, endpoint=False) >>> p = ntp.get_astra_proj_matrix(nd, angles, "FBP_CUDA") >>> rec = ntp.recon_slice(sinogram, "FBP_CUDA", p, parameters={"FilterType":"hamming"}) The filters for FBP_CUDA reconstruction included in the ASTRA toolbox are: ``ram-lak`` (default), ``shepp-logan``, ``cosine``, ``hamming``, ``hann``, ``none``, ``tukey``, ``lanczos``, ``triangular``, ``gaussian``, ``barlett-hann``, ``blackman``, ``nuttall``, ``blackman-harris``, ``blackman-nuttall``, ``flat-top``, ``kaiser``, ``parzen``, ``projection``, ``sinogram``, ``rprojection``, ``rsinogram``. GPU-based SIRT reconstruction with 100 iterations and limiting the pixel values in the range [0,2]: >>> rec = ntp.recon_slice(sinogram, "SIRT_CUDA", p, parameters={"iterations":100, "MinConstraint": 0.0, "MaxConstraint" = 2.0 }) """ if(type(offset) is float): offset = round(offset) logs.warning('Warning: Offset must be an integer. Float variable is converted to int.') if parameters is None: parameters = {} if 'iterations' in list(parameters.keys()): iterations = parameters['iterations'] opts = {key: parameters[key] for key in parameters if key != 'iterations'} else: iterations = 1 opts = parameters if(method=='NN-FBP-train' or method == 'NN-FBP-prepare'): method = 'NN-FBP-prepare' excluded_keys = ['hidden_nodes','filter_file'] opts = {key: parameters[key] for key in parameters if key not in excluded_keys} if(method=='NN-FBP'): opts = {'filter_file': parameters['filter_file']} # sinogram normalization pixel_size = float(pixel_size) sinogram = sinogram / pixel_size # circular shift if the COR axis is misaligned with respect to the detector axis if(offset): sinogram = np.roll(sinogram, - offset, axis=1) rec = pmat.reconstruct( method, sinogram, iterations=iterations, extraOptions=opts ) return rec
[docs]def recon_stack(proj, method, pmat, parameters=None, pixel_size=1.0, offset=0, sinogram_order=False): """ This function reconstructs a stack of sinograms or a stack of projections for a 2D parallel beam geaometry. Parameters ---------- proj : 3d array The data reconstruct. In can be a stack of sinograms or a stack of projections. method : str A string defining the name of the reconstruction algorithm. Available CPU-based methods are: ``BP``, ``FBP``, ``SIRT``, ``SART``, ``ART``, ``CGLS``, ``NN-FBP``, ``NN-FBP-train``, ``MR-FBP`` Available GPU-based methods are: ``BP_CUDA``, ``FBP_CUDA``, ``SIRT_CUDA``, ``SART_CUDA``, ``CGLS_CUDA`` pmat : OpTomo object The ASTRA object that imitates a projection matrix. parameters: dict, optional Specific options of the reconstruction algorithm defined in `method`. The complete list of the available options can be found within the ASTRA toolbox documentation: pixel_size : float, optional The detector pixel size. If specified in cm the attenuation coefficient values are returned in cm^-1. Default value is 1.0. offset : int, optional The offset of the rotation axis with respect to the vertical axis of the detector. If offset is positive the rotation axis is at right-side of the detector vertical axis. If negative, is at left-side. Default value is 0. sinogram_order : bool, optional If ``True`` the input array is read as a stack of sinograms (0 axis represents the projections y-axis). If ``False`` the input array is read as a stack of projections (0 axis represents theta). Default value is ``False``. Returns ------- rec : 3d array The reconstructed volume. Examples -------- GPU-based FBP reconstruction with the Hamming filter: >>> import neutomopy as ntp >>> # read stack of sinograms >>> data = ntp.read_tiff_stack('./sinograms/img_0000.tiff') >>> _, na, nd = data.shape >>> angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, na, endpoint=False) >>> p = ntp.get_astra_proj_matrix(nd, angles, "FBP_CUDA") >>> rec = ntp.recon_stack(data, "FBP_CUDA", p, sinogram_order=True, parameters={"FilterType":"hamming"}) The filters for FBP_CUDA reconstruction included in the ASTRA toolbox are: ``ram-lak`` (default), ``shepp-logan``, ``cosine``, ``hamming``, ``hann``, ``none``, ``tukey``, ``lanczos``, ``triangular``, ``gaussian``, ``barlett-hann``, ``blackman``, ``nuttall``, ``blackman-harris``, ``blackman-nuttall``, ``flat-top``, ``kaiser``, ``parzen``, ``projection``, ``sinogram``, ``rprojection``, ``rsinogram``. GPU-based SIRT reconstruction with 100 iterations and limiting the values of the reconstructed pixel in the range [0,2]: >>> rec = ntp.recon_stack(data, "SIRT_CUDA", p, sinogram_order=True, parameters={"iterations":100, "MinConstraint": 0.0, "MaxConstraint" = 2.0 }) """ if parameters is None: parameters = {} if not sinogram_order: proj = np.swapaxes(proj, 0, 1) nslice, na, nd = proj.shape rec = np.zeros((nslice, nd, nd), dtype=np.float32) if(method=='NN-FBP-train' or method=='NN-FBP-prepare'): print('> NN-FBP Training...') if(method=='NN-FBP'): print('> NN-FBP Reconstruction') for s in tqdm(range(0, nslice), unit=' slices'): if(method=='NN-FBP-train' or method=='NN-FBP-prepare'): parameters['z_id'] = s rec[s] = recon_slice(proj[s], method, pmat, parameters=parameters, pixel_size=pixel_size, offset=offset) if(method=='NN-FBP-train' or method=='NN-FBP-prepare'): nnfbp.plugin_train(parameters['traindir'], parameters['hidden_nodes'], parameters['filter_file']) return rec
[docs]def reconstruct(tomo, angles, method, parameters=None, pixel_size=1.0, offset=0, sinogram_order=False): """ This function reconstructs a dataset of normalized projections or a sinogram for a 2D parallel beam geaometry. Parameters ----------- tomo : 2d or 3d array It can be a single sinogram, a three-dimensional stack of projections or a three-dimensional stack of sinograms. angles : 1d array, float The array containing the view angles in radians. For example, for a uniformly spaced scan from 0 to 360 degree with a number of projections nangles: angles = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, nangles, endpoint=False) method : str A string defining the name of the reconstruction algorithm. Available CPU-based methods are: ``BP``, ``FBP``, ``SIRT``, ``SART``, ``ART``, ``CGLS``, ``NN-FBP``, ``NN-FBP-train``, ``MR-FBP`` Available GPU-based methods are: ``BP_CUDA``, ``FBP_CUDA``, ``SIRT_CUDA``, ``SART_CUDA``, ``CGLS_CUDA`` parameters: dict, optional Specific options of the reconstruction algorithm defined in `method`. The complete list of the available options can be found within the ASTRA toolbox documentation: pixel_size : float, optional The detector pixel size. If specified in cm the attenuation coefficient values are returned in cm^-1. Default value is 1.0. offset : int, optional The offset of the rotation axis with respect to the vertical axis of the detector. If offset is positive the rotation axis is at right-side of the detector vertical axis. If negative, is at left-side. Default value is 0. sinogram_order : bool, optional If ``True`` the input array is read as a stack of sinograms (0 axis represents the projections y-axis). If ``False`` the input array is read as a stack of projections (0 axis represents theta). Default value is ``False``. Returns ------- rec : 2d, 3d array The reconstructed volume if `tomo` is three-dimensional. The reconstructed slice if tomo is a single sinogram. Examples -------- GPU-based FBP reconstruction with the Hamming filter: >>> import neutomopy as ntp >>> # read stack of sinograms >>> data = ntp.read_tiff_stack('./sinograms/img_0000.tiff') >>> _, na, nd = data.shape >>> angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, na, endpoint=False) >>> rec = ntp.reconstruct(data, angles, "FBP_CUDA", sinogram_order=True, parameters={"FilterType":"hamming"}) The filters for FBP_CUDA reconstruction included in the ASTRA toolbox are: ``ram-lak`` (default), ``shepp-logan``, ``cosine``, ``hamming``, ``hann``, ``none``, ``tukey``, ``lanczos``, ``triangular``, ``gaussian``, ``barlett-hann``, ``blackman``, ``nuttall``, ``blackman-harris``, ``blackman-nuttall``, ``flat-top``, ``kaiser``, ``parzen``, ``projection``, ``sinogram``, ``rprojection``, ``rsinogram``. GPU-based SIRT reconstruction with 100 iterations and limiting the values of the reconstructed pixel in the range [0,2]: >>> rec = ntp.reconstruct(data, angles, "SIRT_CUDA", sinogram_order=True, parameters={"iterations":100, "MinConstraint": 0.0, "MaxConstraint" = 2.0 }) """ if(tomo.ndim !=2 and tomo.ndim != 3 ): raise ValueError('Invalid shape of the array tomo. It must have 2 or 3 dimensions.') nd = tomo.shape[-1] pmat = get_astra_proj_matrix(nd, angles, method) if(tomo.ndim==2): out = recon_slice(tomo, method, pmat, parameters=parameters, pixel_size=pixel_size, offset=offset) elif(tomo.ndim==3): out = recon_stack(tomo, method, pmat, parameters=parameters, pixel_size=pixel_size, offset=offset, sinogram_order=sinogram_order) else: raise ValueError('Invalid array dimensions. Tomographic data must be 2D or 3D array.') return out